About Fred

Fred Sievert started his career as a teacher, later entered the insurance business, and retired in 2007 as President of New York Life Insurance Company, a Fortune 100 corporation. His passion has always been to positively impact people’s lives by writing about his faith and his business experiences.

Over the course of his career and in retirement he has mentored and coached more than 10 individuals who later became CEO’s or presidents of their organizations and countless others who advanced to other top executive positions. His most recent book is a compilation of his most important business tips and advice.

Fred Sievert, retired president of New York Life Insurance Company

During his reign as president, New York Life first achieved a number one market share ranking in the sale of Life Insurance in the United States and repeated that distinction throughout his presidency.

Fred has held numerous leadership positions in industry related associations and organizations. He is a past-chairman of the Life Insurance Council of New York (LICONY), The American College of Financial Services, and The Actuarial Foundation.

He received the highest honor bestowed upon industry leaders by the American College (The Solomon Heubner Gold Medal Award) in 2008 and was named a “Legend of the Industry” in 2012; a joint award bestowed by the American Council of Life Insurance and The Actuarial Foundation. In December of 2013, Fred received the Lifetime Achievement award bestowed by the Million Dollar Roundtable of New York.

Following his retirement, Fred received a degree in religion from Yale Divinity School, taught business school courses on strategy and leadership, and served on the boards of five non-profit organizations and two for-profit corporations.

Before publishing his latest book, Fast-Starting a Career of Consequence, he had a number of non-fiction essays published and in 2014 finished his first book on his many personal encounters with God entitled: God Revealed: Revisit Your Past to Enrich Your Future. In 2018, he published his second book containing stories of people he’s known who were in crisis and only found comfort and relief through their faith. The second book is entitled: Grace Revealed: Finding God’s Strength in Any Crisis.

In addition to remaining active throughout his career in industry activities, Fred has also regularly participated in civic and volunteer activities in his local community and church.

Fred earned a B.A. from Amherst College, an M.A. from Wayne State University, and an M.A.R. from Yale Divinity School.

Media Mentions

Below are books, news articles, podcasts, and TV & Radio interviews that feature Fred Sievert & his work.

In a MarketWatch.com blog post, Fred Sievert revealed one of his most important career-enhancing tips.

Books in which Fred Sievert is featured

  • Clinton, Michael. Roar: Into the Second Half of Your Life (Before It’s Too Late). New York City: Atria Books, 2021. – On pages 180–1, the author tells of Fred’s decision to retire early and follow his passions in a way that has brought him great satisfaction and has even resulted in his feeling happier, healthier, and younger in retirement.
  • Nash, Laura, and Howard Stevenson. Just Enough: Tools for Creating Success in Your Work and Life. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2004. – The author provides several examples (pages 146–8, 155–6, and 198) of effective coping techniques Fred used in balancing the responsibilities of faith, family, and career.

Articles written, and short videos produced, by Fred Sievert

  • A video tribute to Fred when he received the Legend of the Life Insurance Industry Award in 2012 from the Actuarial Foundation and The American Council of Life Insurance.
  • An opinion article in the MarketWatch.com blog post (40 million viewers per month) discusses the important questions Fred answered before deciding to retire early to launch the next phase of his life.
  • An article published by the Fox Business blog covers the dangers of excessive government spending and the burgeoning national debt.
  • Fred produced this short video after writing his first book, God Revealed. In it, he discusses his decision to retire early, attend divinity school, and then write the book.
  • In this short video, Fred tells a moving story that is prominent in his first book, God Revealed.
  • This is a tribute to Fred when he received a top industry award by The American College of Financial Services. There is a lot of humor in this video.

Webinars Fred Sievert has presented on topics covered in his books

  • Fred presented a webinar about his book, Fast-starting a Career of Consequence, to Yale graduates at the Yale convocation in October 2021.
  • Fred presented a webinar about his book, Fast-starting a Career of Consequence, to the Christian Business Round Table in December 2022. https://bit.ly/3PDtAuV
  • Fred presented a webinar via Zoom to students at Rochester Christian University on fast-starting their careers in October 2020.
  • Fred presented a webinar during a men’s breakfast meeting of the New Canaan Society in Bergen County, New Jersey, in March 2021 relating to career advancement, the main message of his third book, Fast-starting a Career a Career of Consequence.

Podcast interviews with Fred Sievert about his career and post-career pursuits

  • In the first of two podcasts (May 2023) hosted by Doug Pike on the show Fifty-Plus, Fred discusses the principles of his book, Fast-starting A Career of Consequence, as they apply to people re-entering the workforce, even on, or after, age 50. Fast-forward to 20:00 to listen.
  • In the second of two podcasts (also May 2023) hosted by Doug Pike on the show Fifty-Plus, the focus is largely on effective interviewing tips for individuals applying for jobs. Fred points out key ways to prepare for interviews and what to do and not do in the actual interview. Fast-forward to 21:30 to listen.
  • In the first of two podcasts hosted by John Rush on his show Rush to Reason (May 2023), Fred details the five tips he originally gave to his daughter on how to get noticed at work. Those tips ultimately became the focus of his book Fast-starting a Career of Consequence.
  • In the second podcast hosted by John Rush on his show Rush to Reason (June 2023), Rush asks Fred probing questions about the most difficult aspects of management and leadership. Fred found this to be perhaps the most interesting and informative of all the podcasts he has done over the years. Fast-forward to 9:15 to listen.
  • A podcast hosted by Christopher Lewis titled “Ten Strategies to Support Your Child in Their Career” featured Fred Sievert on the radio show Fathering Together: A Community of Dads Who Are on a Journey to Become Better Fathers Every Day. This is very relevant to Fred’s book, Fast-starting a Career of Consequence, which was inspired by questions his daughter, Dena, raised.
  • In a nationally syndicated radio podcast hosted by Kevin and Steph Mason, Fred tells stories of experiences with his five kids and how he balanced faith, family, and career in a lively and entertaining interview in September 2021.
  • In a podcast hosted by Charlie Hedges on his weekly show The Next Chapter with Charlie in April 2023, Hedges asked Fred meaningful and challenging questions relating to achieving success in management and leadership.
  • In a 2020 podcast, Gordon Klingensmith (Dr. Chaps) interviewed Fred about the genesis and content of his second book, Grace Revealed.
  • In a podcast on the KNEO radio show The Author’s Corner, hosted by Roberta Foster in Neosho, Missouri, Fred discussed his book Fast-starting a Career of Consequence.
  • In a podcast hosted by syndicated radio host Dr. Allan Lycka in September 2023, the interview focuses on Fred’s book Fast-starting a Career of Consequence.
  • In a podcast (you will need to scroll down to find the interview of Fred) hosted by Greg Cellini of TGFM radio, Cellini interviewed Fred and his daughter, Dena, on his show, Thank God For Monday, on Father’s Day 2021. In it, Fred and Dena discuss her role in generating the idea for the book.
  • In June 2023, in a podcast hosted by Ash Brown on The Ash Said It Show, she discusses the interesting genesis of the book Fast-starting a Career of Consequence and the unexpected expansion beyond the intended market.
  • In an episode of the Christianity in Business podcast, hosted by Darren Shearer of the College of Business at Houston Baptist University in June 2019, Shearer asks Fred questions that focus on succeeding as a Christian in a secular business environment.

Radio and television interviews

  • Fred was interviewed on the Fox & Friends show of Fox News in February 2014 to discuss the release of his first book, God Revealed.
  • Fred made a Global Daystar TV appearance on The Marcus & Joni Show in February 2019. Fast-forward to 42:00 to watch.
  • Babbie Mason interviewed Fred on her syndicated TV show, Babbie’s House, and posted it on YouTube. Mason also teaches a college course in which she has used Fred’s book Fast-starting A Career of Consequence.
  • In a video interview with Sandra Onal on “Friends and Neighbors Ep. 961,” Fred Sievert discusses key decisions in his career and personal insights. To view this segment fast-forward to minute 11:30.
  • This TV interview conducted during the holidays in December 2013 focuses on Fred’s book God Revealed and encourages viewers to revisit their own past to enrich their lives by recognizing God’s presence in many of the experiences they had earlier in their lives.
  • In this video interview of Fred in August 2023, the publisher Morgan James discusses the launch of Fred’s book Fast-starting a Career of Consequence.
  • In a TV interview hosted by Laurie Bettinger on the show The Kiosk Presents on WNYO TV Buffalo in New York, the focus is on Fred’s book God Revealed.
  • In an interview on the show Janet Mefford Today in March 2021, Fred answered penetrating questions about his book Fast-starting a Career of Consequence as it relates to leadership and management.
  • Janet Parshall interviewed Fred in January 2021 on her syndicated show In the Market with Janet Parshall, of the Faith & Finance division of Moody Audio Radio. The interview places a heavy emphasis on career advancement.
  • An interview with Fred by Dr. Karen Wilson-Starks on her show The Voice of Leadership in August 2021 focuses on Fred’s career path and his decision to retire early from his position as president of New York Life Insurance Company to attend divinity school. This is part one of a two-part series.
  • In the part two interview by Dr. Karen Wilson-Starks in November 2021, Fred talks about how he pays his leadership legacy forward into retirement through his books, speaking engagements, and mentoring of others.